Beyond The Wall Tee Review.

Keeping your land safe from the white skinned walking dead can be seen as a grueling battle with yourself and the elements, or it can be seen as a game best played with iron and fang. You can always rely on your bros to help you through even the most difficult winter conditions, and when others arrive to take your extra lives it’s time to punch blocks and prepare for the winter coming to your console. Whether you decide to vie for the throne or simply achieve a high score you’re going to need the proper gear to survive the winter, like this Game of Bros. t-shirt by BazNet!
Is available on T-shirts, Hoodies, Tank tops and Crewnecks. Black fabric color is mandatory. Dark Blues would had been nice as an option. The review breakdown is as follows:
To summon her magical guardian, the witch needed only to concentrate, with all her might, on a single, very happy memory. Would she recall the thrill of watching her brother finally crowned... or the feeling of freeing an entire enslaved city? No... for the Mother of Dragon Charms, the happiest memory of all was the first time she heard the cries of her babies.
The Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords tee is for the Game of Thrones fans.
“All that Syrio Forel had taught her went racing through her head. Swift as a deer. Quiet as shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine. Fear cuts deeper than swords. The man who fears losing has already lost. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Fear cuts deeper than swords.” ― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
A sword shoved through the top of a skull clean to the bottom of the lower jaw ( after the head was decapitated of course) says a lot. It says "I F#$ked Up" from the skull's perspective. It also says "Danger leave this area, run away, run away now you fool." At least that is what I'd think if I was walking and came across this dire looking scene. Hence the name of the design.
This artwork is a nice standard skull and ground scene. Some crows are flying in the background. Some snowy mountains lay in the background. Lots of design elements and fragments flying around making the design a bit busy.
The Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords design is ideal to wear when watching Game of Thrones or anything else in the Fantasy genre and rock concerts.
Is available on: Tees, Phone Cases and Wall Art. Black colored fabric is mandatory and it works well with this artwork. The fabric becomes part of the design as silhouettes of plant life crop the oval frame. The review breakdown is as follows: