Starcheology Tee Design Review.


Starcheology Tee Design by Terry Peppers

Starcheology Tee Design by Terry Peppers

Reviewed by: Lucky

4 Stars


The Starcheology tee design features Indiana Jones discovering Han Solo in Carbonite.

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The Starcheology tee design is for Star Wars and Indiana Jones fans. Because Harrison Ford is the man.

Imagine if you were an archaeologist and you found what appears to be a fossil or even a piece of ancient artwork with your face on it. Wouldn't that freak you the Hell out? Damn right it would. At first, you'd probably think that you were losing your mind. Then you'd begin to question all of reality itself. Finally, you might fold into the fetal position while sucking your thumb and rocking back and forth telling yourself that everything will be alright.

Starcheology is a nicely illustrated and executed mashup concept. This works especially well since both Han Solo and Indiana Jones are played by the same actor which is Harrison Ford. From the topnotch coloring to the consistent shading, Terry Peppers deserves nothing but praise for this.

The Starcheology design is on children's apparel too so the stories of George Lucas live on for generations. It is perfect for wearing to screenings of Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Comic cons and so on and so forth.

If you like this design, please check out our Star Wars Tee Gallery for more great designs as well as one super relevant one in the You May Also Like link.

While visiting the retailer link you may get the following message. (If so do as it suggests and it should be available again.)

This Shirt is Temporarily Unavailable Sorry, we're not printing this one at the moment. Check back tomorrow when the catalog re-opens.

Starcheology Tee Design by Terry Peppers.

 Asphalt is the only fabric color available which also serves as the color. It really is the best color option. The review breakdown is as follows:

Starcheology Tee Design
  • Overall Design
  • Size Selection (Most of K4-K12, Women's XL, Men's 3XL)
  • Fabric Blank (Generic Tee)
  • Fabric Material (100% Cotton)
  • Shirt Color Choices (Asphalt, No Choice)
  • Printing Method (Digital Print)
  • Comfort
  • Price ($11)
  • Customer Service

Bottom Line

The products and retailer Shirt.Woot are definitely high quality with a better price than most of the other Print On Demand services ($8-11 range). Most of their designs are exclusive. The brand of blanks that they use are generic or non-disclosed. While this is not a big deal, it would be nice to know about the fabric brand and their practices. It would also be nice to have fabric color options. As for the printing method, Digital Print or Direct To Garment (DTG) is good but it will fade sooner than the superior old fashioned screen printing technique. We feel that this Starcheology tee is a worthy purchase and therefore should not result in any buyer’s remorse.

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