The Starry Wars tee design is for the Star Wars fans that enjoy the art of Vincent van Gogh.
The concept is to combine Tatooine with the Starry Night sky which is the perfect backdrop for anything from the galaxy far far away. This is one of the better Starry Night parodies and mash ups and if you've been paying attention to this blog you may have seen some reviewed already.

As for the artwork, the style is emulating Vincent van Gogh's obviously with the broad stroke swirls but the colors are muddier than Vincent's palette. Black fabric is the better choice in this case as it helps all the colors to pop with much greater contrast. Boba Fett looks bad ass. Half to most of him utilizes the negative space which is the most impressive part of this design. That and the fact that this may be based off of Starry Night but it isn't an exact copy like many of the other variants out there.
This Starry Wars tee will make a nice gift for the Star Wars fans.
Wear this tee to Comic-Cons, Sci-Fi conventions and to art museums.
Starry Wars Design by ddjvigo.
Is available on T-shirts, Hoodies, Tank tops and Crewnecks. Black or Navy Blue are the only fabric color options but they are the only two colors that would work. The review breakdown is as follows: