TheĀ Neverheart tee design is for The Wizard of Oz fans that enjoy the music of Nirvana..
This design is based off of Nirvana's Nevermind album cover art (shown below). It depicts a baby Tin Man instead of a naked human baby swimming towards a non-vascular heart on a fishing line rather than a dollar bill. It is a time transcending mash up that bridges 1939 two halves of a century together seamlessly. It captures the essence of The Tin Man character well.

So the artwork is a cartoon parody of the Nevermind album cover. The colors and shading are good for a design that is supposed to be under water although Naolito takes a different approach than over Nevermind album cover parodists. Rather than using wave effects he uses splotch and dab techniques. Which also leaves the actual water color whatever the fabric color choice is. There is no fishing line so that is disappointing to some degree but not enough for me to detract any stars.
This is a good shirt for Generation X, fans of grunge and of The Wizard of Oz.