Kenny Bros Tee Design Review.

Is available on T-shirts, Hoodies, Tank tops, Posters, Dog T-shirts and Crewnecks. There are many fabric colors available. They all work well with this design. The review breakdown is as follows:
The Super Meeseeks Bros. tee design is for Rick and Morty and Super Mario Bros. fans that can't decide which to spot on their shirt.
The concept is a mash up of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Cartoon Network's Rick and Morty character Mr. Meeseeks. This is not the first nor last mashup of these 2 franchises as the Tiny Rick tee variations for example have proven to be popular.
As for the artwork, the coloring is accurate for the Rick and Morty cartoon but the style is a decent marriage of both franchises as it has some strong Mario elements as well. There isn't much in regards to shading but as for most designs it isn't needed anyway. The golf clubs carrying caddy version Mr. Meeseeks is the best Meeseeks reference so it works out perfectly.
Wear this anywhere casual attire is the norm.
Is available on T-shirts, Hoodies, Posters, Dog T-shirts, Tank tops and Crewnecks. Black or Navy Blue are the only fabric color options but they are the only two colors that would work. The review breakdown is as follows:
The Let Me Out tee design is for Rick and Morty and Mario fans. TINY RICK!
The concept is a hilarious mash up and parody of Nintendo's Classic Super Mario Bros. 3 video game and Cartoon Network's Rick and Morty Episode -Big Trouble In Little Sanchez (shown below). This is one of a few different versions of this concept by the same artist with varying text and layouts. Who wouldn't want to play a video game starring TINY RICK!?
As for the artwork, the coloring is crisp and vibrant, it works well on any color shirt. The shading is soft and is suitable for both franchises. This particular layout and version of this design is the one that more closely resembles the actual Super Mario Bros 3 game cover art. The texts "The coolest, most popular !@#$%&* KID in school yet!", "Wubby (Let me Out) Lubby Doob Doob", (Let Me Out) this is not a shirt" add plenty of show references to make any die hard fan happy.
While this is the Super Mario Bros. pose it is definitely more of a Rick and Morty fan tee.
Keeping your land safe from the white skinned walking dead can be seen as a grueling battle with yourself and the elements, or it can be seen as a game best played with iron and fang. You can always rely on your bros to help you through even the most difficult winter conditions, and when others arrive to take your extra lives it’s time to punch blocks and prepare for the winter coming to your console. Whether you decide to vie for the throne or simply achieve a high score you’re going to need the proper gear to survive the winter, like this Game of Bros. t-shirt by BazNet!