The Pocket Raptor tee design is one of the best pseudo pocket designs that are flooding the market. It works well for Jurassic Park fans as well as dinosaur enthusiasts in general. What is not to like about this cute but terrifying little lizard? With nice coloring and shading this shows off some honed art skills. Just check out those sharp looking teeth! It would had been nice to see the raptor's claws "dig" into the fabric, or at least appear as though it was ripping through the pocket. But it is still cool regardless.
This raptor is like the perfect nerd mascot, it has the right balance of being both geeky and badass. If only this was a real pocket, as the dino would make a much cooler version of a "pocket protector". This is the ideal tee to wear to a library or museum.
Pocket Raptor Design by Tabner.
Is available on: Tees, Hoodies, Sweatshirts and Stickers. Blue fabric works best with this artwork as it is complementary. The review breakdown is as follows: