Taken from the Bryan Cranston Fan Interview.
Your pizza toss in Season 3 was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen on TV. How did you do that? – Brooklyn625
A: That was the world’s largest pizza. I had never seen a pizza that big before. It was a real pizza, and they really serve it. And they were prepared with special effects, a lightweight rubber pizza, there was a prop guy ready to pull a fake pizza up to the roof. We had all kinds of things ready to go. But I said, let me just try it. So, I’m coming out and I’m pissed and I fling the pizza and I didn’t even look at it. I fling the pizza and I get in the car and I drive away. And I did all that and I hear clapping as I’m driving back. I look up and there’s the pizza. They said if they had marked where would be the optimal place for the pizza to land, it would be where it landed. One of those freak accidents that’s like “Here it is, we did it! There it is!” And sure enough, they said “let’s do another take,” and it never happened again.