Mother of Dragon Charms Tee Design by djkopet

Mother of Dragon Charms Tee Design Review.


TheĀ Mother of Dragon Charms tee design is for Game of Thrones fans and to a lesser extent fans of Harry Potter.

The Mother of Dragon Charms tee design concept is simply giving Daenerys Targaryen a wand (calm down fellas) and thus making her a witch and watching her create dragon illusions through magic. Harry Potter style. It is a simple and elegant idea.

To summon her magical guardian, the witch needed only to concentrate, with all her might, on a single, very happy memory. Would she recall the thrill of watching her brother finally crowned... or the feeling of freeing an entire enslaved city? No... for the Mother of Dragon Charms, the happiest memory of all was the first time she heard the cries of her babies.

As for the artwork, it is flawless. From the coloring and shading to the layout. The colors are complementary. The character likeness is uncanny. If it is true that "the eyes are the windows to the soul" then we can see everything there is to the Khaleesi here as her eyes are illuminating. The details in the dragon and in her lips could be entire designs in their own right. Few people it seems can draw hair right but djkopet nailed it.

I am not that much of a Harry Potter fan (I have nothing against Harry Potter by any means, I just like other fandoms better) but I cannot complain about anything about the concept or artwork. It looks cool and seems like it fits naturally as if it is one story or one universe. It is respectful to both franchises and somehow this mashup works beautifully. There is nothing cheesy about it as one might expect.

Game of Thrones fans and some Harry Potter fans would want this tee in their collection, especially if they like of both franchises.

Mother of Dragon Charms Tee Design by djkopet

Is available on T-shirts, Tank Tops, Hoodies, Long Sleeves, Sweatshirts and Dog T-shirts. Black, Charcoal, Military Green, Navy and Dark Chocolate are the fabric color choices. The review breakdown is as follows:

The Dragon

The Dragon Tee Design Review.

The Dragon tee design is a Game of Thrones tee that is all about Daenerys Targaryen. Khaleesi stands proud holding up one of her prized dragon eggs in front of her. For fans it sums up Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons in a clean motif.

The art is simple, bold and mono chromatic red. There are no fine details which make this easy to make out from a good distance. The shape of the dragon head which frames Daenerys is rather badass and makes the tee worth buying just for it alone. The fact that the artist bothered to depict Daenery's hair as blowing in the wind makes the design more lively.

The Dragon design is also on children's apparel but with the subject matter being the very adult themed television series Game of Thrones, parents should use caution if buying this as school clothes.

This tee is great for wearing to Game of Thrones watching parties, Comic-Cons, or while fantasy gaming or attending LAN-parties.

The Dragon Tee Design.

Is available on: Tees, Hoodies. Black fabric color is mandatory for adult tees. Navy Blue is the only color for kids' tees. The review breakdown is as follows: