Your Food Had A Face Tee Design Review.
The Your Food Had A Face tee design features a living cow's head inside a giant human mouth. The concept is a vegan message that animals do not deserve to be tortured or our food. To remind us that rather than the euphemisms of "burger" or "steak" that it is indeed a dead cow's carcass or cow flesh.
As for the artwork it is not the greatest artwork, but it isn't meant to be. It is meant to be in your face appalling and it achieves that with great success. Colors that look horrible together to create an eyesore, something that cannot be unseen. While the cow is GREY probably because animals as food is a "Grey area" topic for people, the blood is and always will remain RED, so there is no getting around that. Blood is life. On the critique side, the artist's signature or brand name could use some subtly.
As far as the print goes, it is a bit muted and darker than expected. Especially the Red ink. But other than that it isn't bad. Activists tees and Non-Pop Culture tees can be next to impossible to find on other sites.
This design is the ideal tee for the vegan activists or veganism in general.